Expertise documents

Guidelines for successful tank fermentations of Chardonnay / Riglyne vir suksesvolle tenk fermentasies van chardonnay

(Inligting saamgestel deur Dominique Delteil en Piet Loubser) Gisrasse ICV-D47, ICV-D254 en CY3079 bly steeds van die beste keuses vir die bereiding van ’n vrug gedrewe en voller styl van Chardonnay. Die geheim om suksesvolle fermentasies te verseker is om proaktief  op te tree en Goeie Fermentasie Praktyke te volg. Hieronder volg belangrike riglyne oor hoe om genoemde gisrasse suksesvol te gebruik tydens tenk, asook vat fermentasies. Click on the following link: Tank fermentation Chardonnay South Africa

Rosé fermentation

In 2006, the world production of rosé wines was estimated at 21.5 million hL – 9% of the total world production of wine (Aigrain 2009). Production has been increasing for several years. In the United Kingdom, for example the main sellers are rosé wines from the United States – almost half of the total wines sold in supermarkets. From a technical point of view, the production of rosé wine involves particular considerations as rosé is mid-way between white wine (avoiding the extraction of phenolic compounds at the tannin level) and red wine (involving potential problems with colour extraction and structure). When short maceration times are used in the production of high quality rosé wines, the wines can be fragile and evolve rapidly. One of the most frequent developments is the appearance of premature lactic and creamy aromas that can override the fruity aromas in the nose and the refreshing sensation in retronasal perception. Download PDF