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Lalvin ICV OKAY- for young, fresh and aromatic rose, white and red wines

Winemaker and market needs, especially for bulk early released wine, focus on regular aromatic profile and analytical characteristics such as volatile acidity, SO2, level, sulfur compounds, etc…

In order to respond to such demand, Lallemand and ICV have selected with collaboration of INRA and Sup’ Agro Montpellier, Lalvin ICV OKAY® for its special ability to avoid SO2 and negative sulfur compounds production, with the security to complete rapid alcoholic fermentation in a large range of winemaking conditions.

Moreover the low acetaldehyde production of Lalvin ICV OKAY® will be a good asset to stabilize most of wines with moderate SO2 level.

Adapted to fresh aromatic rose, white and red wines usually obtained in low temperature and NTU conditions, Lalvin ICV OKAY® produces very low level of volatile acidity.

Lalvin ICV OKAY® selection has been the aim of a PhD. related to Identification of a new mechanism responsible for the control of SO2 and H2S production.

See Lalvin ICV OKAY® in our catalogue !