ProduktdetailsWeintypTechnische InformationProduktdokumentation


FERMAID O is the latest nutrient developed by our winemaking nutrient research team headed by Dr. Anne Ortiz-Julien. FERMAID O is a blend of inactivated yeast fractions rich in organic nitrogen. FERMAID O does not contain added ammonia salts (DAP) or micronutrients. The importance of organic nitrogen from yeasts is well known as a highly efficient nutrient source for wine yeasts, especially when compared to inorganic nitrogen from DAP. In addition, Fermaid O consistently produces lower heat of fermentation and lower levels of negative sulfur compounds, compared with DAP. With its high content of organic nitrogen, FERMAID O can help winemakers achieve steady fermentations, while limiting temperature peaks.



Technische Information

  • Produkttyp: Nutrient
  • Anwendung: Beginning and 1/3 of the alcoholic fermentation
  • OMRI-zugelassen
  • Verwendung: To compensate must deficiency in nitrogen & micronutrients
  • Nährstoffe für : Yeast
  • Dosierung : 30.00
