Expertise documents

Biocontrol agents against Brettanomyces

The contaminating yeast Brettanomyces is a problem, notably for red wines. This yeast is very opportunistic and can survive and multiply in difficult conditions throughout the life of the wine. Hygienic conditions and microbiological controls can inhibit its growth, but will not eliminate it. The goal then is to limit its development, which will in turn limit the production of volatile phenols. The use of SO2 is the preferred method to control its development, however there is a recent trend to reduce the use of SO2 in wine, as well as a general increase in wine pH, which reduces its efficacy. Moreover, there is a great variability in the resistance of SO2 among different Brettanomyces yeasts. The inoculation with our selected natural bacteria is a good option to protect the wine during the fermentation process, and new studies also show their potential to protect wine during the ageing steps against Brettanomyces re-contamination UI #4 Biocontrol MLB ENG

Optimal wine yeast nutrition with Stimula Chardonnay™ for maximum aromatic expression in Chardonnay wines

Wine yeasts are able to produce volatile aroma compounds from precursors found in the grape musts. Despite this ability, the wine yeast needs an adapted nutrition management (type of nutrient and timing of addition) that will maximize this secondary metabolism. Work done in collaboration with INRA (Montpellier, France) has shown that the type of nutrient, and the timing of addition during alcoholic fermentation has an important impact on the production of fermentative aroma compounds. Stimula Chardonnay™ has been shown to maximize specific aroma compounds in Chardonnay wines UI Stimula Chardonnay 2019 - ENG  

Stimula Sauvignon Blanc – a new winemaking tool Under Investigation

Stimula Sauvignon Blanc is a new nutrient, custom made to maximize thiol production and conversion during alcoholic fermentation.  The new Under Investigation summarizes the latest research on this topic UI - Nutrient - ENG Australia

Optimum Red – a new winemaking tool Under Investigation

Optimum Red is a new yeast autolysate to impact color, mouthfeel and texture in red wine. The new Under Investigation summarizes the latest reseach on this topic. UI SIY #1 ENG

Low SO2, H2S and acetaldehyde wine yeasts for winemaking – Under Investigation

The new range of wine yeasts producing low to no SO2, H2S and acetaldehyde can be used in a strategy to produce wines with lower concentration of those compounds.  The new Under Investigation summarizes the latest research on this topic UI Yeast QTL ENG